A Mistpouffer is an unexplained natural sound, a sonic boom similar to a distant cannon shot that seems to emerge from the fog over large lakes or rivers. This phenomenon has been recorded around the world throughout history and is the source of many legends. In Japan, the phenomenon is called uminari, meaning "cries of the sea". In Connecticut, Machimoodus State Park takes its name from the region's Native American name, meaning "place of bad noises".
Despite scientists' attempts to understand these sounds (which can still be heard today), their source has yet to be identified. Solar winds resonating in the atmosphere, underground earthquakes or gas bubbles rising from the depths are all possible explanations. Others believe they are the work of extraterrestrial or subterranean civilizations. The first settlers of North America were told by the Haudenosaunee Iroquois that the explosions were the sound of the Great Spirit continuing its work of shaping the earth.
Rendering this mystical water thunder in perfume form was as elusive as the sound itself. It took four years and hundreds of iterations before we found the right balance between distinctiveness and inexplicability. Misty but not aquatic, smoky but not heavy. Natural, but also supernatural.
Capacity : 30ml
Made in Sweden
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