Delivery & Returns

Depending on the destination chosen, the carriers are Colissimo or DHL Express

Les délais de livraison peuvent varier en fonction de la destination (< 48h pour la France Métropolitaine, <72h pour l’Europe et <5 jours pour le reste du monde).

These times are given as an indication.

Delivery costs *:

  • Metropolitan France: up to 2 kilograms: 10€.
  • Europe : up to 2 kilograms : 15€.
  • World : up to 2 kilograms : 40€.

For orders weighing more than those listed above, the specific rate of our carrier will be applied (refer to the total at the time of finalizing the order)

Returns are at the buyer's expense.

Return address:

Shipping back address :

Within 14 working days, please return the new product with original labels and packaging to :

75010 PARIS

In case of purchase outside Europe, please specify "return of goods" on the package

Refused Delivery: 

Please note that as a customer, you must accept the original delivery. Otherwise, and if the package is returned to us, all associated costs are your responsibility. Original return and shipping costs, additional customs duties, taxes, or any other additional charges are the responsibility of the customer and will not be refunded.