Vanina Grisoni

+ Your astro signs: Aquarius, Leo Ascendant.

+ Your training: 200h in 2016 with Sianna Sherman / 300h Yoga Alignment and Yoga Therapy with Suzanne Faith in 2019 / Embodied Yin with Satu Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Jana Roemer in 2020 / 300h Yoga, Psychology, Neuroscience and Trauma with Ashley Turner.

+ Your teaching style: Dynamic and therapeutic yoga, deeply influenced by the principles of alignment, to soothe and prevent physical discomfort.

+ Your yoga philosophy: Yoga allows us to feel better in our body and mind, allowing us to be more fulfilled in our life. It helps us to tame our shadows, to meet ourselves, to heal and reprogram our limiting patterns, making us better human beings.

+ Your Yoga or other mentor: Sally Kempton and Vicky Noble, two spiritual activists.

+ Your Yoga or other bedside book: "Shakti Woman" and the documentary "Yoga Woman" which reminds us that Yoga was created by men for men and that since then, many women have fought to adapt this practice to women's needs.

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: 26 Grains in London which serves porridge in all its forms.

+ An incredible talent to report ? An ability to take micro-naps in unlikely places.

+ Social: @vanina.grisoni