Solenn Poitier

+ Your astro signs: Sagittarius ascendant Leo

+ Your training : 200h Vinyasa & Hatha with Gérard Arnaud / 50h pre and postnatal yoga De Gasquet / 50h Yin yoga / 12 hours Dragon Dance with Amélie Annoni

+ Your teaching style: Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin yoga

+ Your yoga philosophy: Inclusiveness, solidarity and open-mindedness. To allow a more harmonious collective life, without judgment, by cultivating gratitude and benevolence. That the places of practice are not elitist spaces but that they favor encounters, exchanges, sharing, personal and collective enrichment and where everyone can find their place and feel confident.

+ Your Yoga or other mentor: My close circle of friends, teachers and trainers

+ Your yoga or other bedside book: "Your Body, Your Yoga" by Bernie Clark

+ Your favorite food or restaurant: El Brigante rue du Ruisseau 18th for the food, the place, and Salvator. And also kimchi from my mother.

+ An incredible talent to report ? Always giving the perfect gift.

+ Social: @yogaso_choi