Scherazade Aissahine

+ Your astro signs: Capricorn ascendant Virgo, Moon in Cancer

+ Your training : Hatha Yoga, Pre and Postnatal, Vinyasa, Women's Yoga, Yin Yoga

+ Your teaching style : Vinyasa,Yoga de la Woman, Hatha and Yin Yoga

+ Your Yoga Philosophy: Mindfulness plays a major role in a broader, deeper vision and fulfillment.

+ Your Yoga or other mentor: Several people influence my teaching: Gérard Arnaud, Tatiana Elle, Talia Sutra. On the literature side: Hazrat Inayat Khan (founder of the Sufi Order in the West.) And Rûmi; I like Sufi literature a lot. Musicians also like Out Kalthoum or Billie Holiday. Their journey as artists but also as women.

+ Your bedside book Yoga or other :"The divine trilogy" by Philippe K.Dick

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: The dishes of the Mama: an Algerian dish in particular based on eggplant with tomato: Zaalouka. A delight!

+ An incredible talent to report ? The singing

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