Mila Furie

 + Your astro signs: Leo ascendant Virgo

+ Your training: 300h Kaula Tantra Yoga at the Durga Tiger school, Quito (Ecuador) 2017 / 200h Hatha Yoga at the Sivananda ashram, Orleans (France) 2018 / 200h Ashtanga Yoga at the Akshi Yoga School, Rishikesh (India) 2018 / 200h Ashtanga Yoga at the AYP, Paris (France) 2019 / TTC refresher course at the Sivananda ashram, Orleans (Paris), 2019 / Complementary Yoga training for children at the Sivananda ashram, Orleans (France) 2020

+ Your teaching style: Pretty dynamic! With a focus on strength and rigorous alignment. I believe that my past as a competitor (climbing) is felt in my way of understanding yoga and teaching it. I am looking for a balance between pushing myself and listening to myself. It is about moving your limits while respecting them.

+ Your yoga philosophy: One of my Ashtanga teachers once said: "What brings you to the mat will bring you higher". Investing in the practice of yoga, whether you are aware of it or not, is already putting in place vectors of change for yourself. The physical practice has repercussions on the mind. Changes take place. We understand that the physical practice is only a small part of yoga, we begin to study the other components, to integrate them into our lives, and to reflect them on the world. 

From another point of view and on a personal basis, the philosophy of Yoga and certain texts like the Bhagavad-Gita have helped me to develop an activist thought. 

The practice of yoga shows how we can be united, yet so different, by having compassion and respect for each living being and its environment. Over time, we become more aware of our impact on our surroundings, on the future and become more responsible for our actions.

+ Your Yoga mentor or other: It can be people I don't know at all, like for example during my first Ashtanga training in India. I was more marked by another student (who became a friend later), than by the teachers in general. Without realizing it and without meaning to, he was a pure yogi in action in the world. But in general, I prefer to draw inspiration from women: Kino Mac Gregor and Laruga Glaser inspire my practice and my teaching, Jennifer Lopez is a model of determination, and then Virginie Despentes, Rokhaya Diallo, Surya Bonaly...

+ Your Yoga or other coffee table book: I have a large consumption of podcasts. The first ones that come to mind: "Healthy Living", "Yoga Girl", "Biomechanics", "The Black Question". Two movie recommendations that have nothing to do with it: "Ma Cité Va Craquer" (best movie and best soundtrack) and the documentary "On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace". Books: "Petit traité sur l'immensité du monde" by Sylvain Tesson.

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: Hard to choose, I love to eat too much. Pao de queijo for the dish (which is more of a snack; it's a Brazilian specialty. Madness). La Vierge de la Réunion for the restaurant.

+ An incredible talent to report ? My stripper tricks are pretty good.

+ Social: @mila_practice