Marlene Gousset

+ Your astro signs: Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces, Sagittarius Ascendant

+ Your training : 200h Vinyasa Yoga / 50h Yin Yoga

+ Your teaching style: A very attentive Yin where we learn to settle down and notice what is more subtle. And a fluid Vinyasa Yoga that balances the Yin. Or the opposite!

+ Your Yoga Philosophy: Yoga practice can be a space for exploration. The awareness that we develop by leaning inward teaches us not to systematically look for answers outside. This questioning teaches us to find the resources within ourselves. The Practice is not cut off from the world; it is incarnated, it is also very physical. It is another way of looking at and experiencing the world.

+ Your yoga mentor or other: All the yoga teachers who inspire me and make me question myself constantly.

+ Your Yoga coffee table book or other: "The Yoga Teacher Resource" or "Yogaland" podcasts and lots more, I love the podcast format! Bessel A. Van der Kolk's book, "The Body Keeps the Score".

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: Pancakes

+ An incredible talent to report ? I can braid hair in 5 different ways

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