Laura Faure

+ Your star signs: Sagittarius, Leo Ascendant, Moon in Leo. That's way too much fire for one person!

+ Your training: 2017- 200hrs Hatha, Govardhan School of Yoga, India / 2018 - 300hrs Yoga therapy, Paramanand Institute of Yoga Science and Reasearch, India / 2019 - 40hrs Asana Lab, Krista Cahill, France / 2019 - 40hrs Vinyasa, Mathieu Boldron, France 2019 / 2019 - 40hrs Liquid Flow, Simon Park, France / As of 2021 - Iyengar level 1

+ Your teaching style: Precise directions on posture alignment so you can guide your bodies and feel! When the body understands, the mind becomes calmer. Without music for better concentration but I always end with chanted mantras for magical relaxation. 

+ Your yoga philosophy: You only have power over yourself... And this power is immense. By working on oneself, all the answers appear and this is how we co-construct a better world. The most difficult thing is to listen. Yoga calms the mental hubbub to better hear and then know how to act or not to act.

+ Your Yoga or other mentor: I am very inspired by all those people who have the strength to change the world in a radical way. I think of Vandana Shiva who has a very pragmatic discourse on the environment and seeds. To Rhokaya Diallo who makes non-white people visible, to Juliet Drouar who helps us to become aware of everything that is constructed and therefore unnatural in heterosexuality. All these people and many others show us all the spaces of freedom that we do not invest, simply because we think within a framework. Yoga is also a political tool and its use can help us to free ourselves from these frames. 

+ Your bedside book Yoga or other : For yoga: "The Voice of Inner Peace" by BKS Iyengar. For personal development: most of Iyanla Vanzant's books.

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: Jah Jah, Paris 10 and the Bar à Momos, Paris 12.

+ An incredible talent to report ? I see the stories people tell themselves in their heads to keep from moving forward.

+ Social: @laura.yogaland