Anastasia Artemova

+ Your astro signs: Sagittarius, Cancer ascendant, Moon in Aquarius

+ Your training : 200H Vinyasa (Jivamukti style) with Andrea Everingham in Manchester / 50H Alignments & Assists with Krista Cahill / 15H Advanced Vinyasa Krama (Sequencing) with Kate Duyn / 30H Assist & Sequencing Immersion with Klara Puski

+ Your teaching style: A fluid and powerful flow with focus on alignments

+ Your Yoga Philosophy: The practice of yoga demonstrates how we can be united, yet so different, by having compassion and respect for each living being and its environment. Over time, we become more aware of our impact on our surroundings, on the future and become more responsible for our actions.

+ Your / Your mentor Yoga or other : American sociologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm

+ Your yoga or other bedside book: "Dancing the flame of Life: the vital principles of yoga" by Dona Holleman

+ Your favorite dish or restaurant: All fruits and vegetables in their simplest form!

+ An incredible talent to report ? My apartment is transformed into a greenhouse

+ Social: @nastia_artem